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Molatek HPC 820

Molatek HPC 820

(1 customer review)


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MASS: 50 kg


Crude Protein min g/kg 820
Crude Protein ex NPN max % 97.97
Urea max g/kg 276
Moisture max g/kg 120
Crude Fibre max g/kg 100
Calcium min/max g/kg 10 / 30
Phosphorus min g/kg 5
Magnesium g/kg 2.1
Sulphur g/kg 1.9
Potassium g/kg 12
Copper mg/kg 150
Manganese mg/kg 500
Zinc mg/kg 500
Cobalt mg/kg 4
Iodine mg/kg 10
Selenium mg/kg 4
Vitamin A IU/kg 60 000

Molatek HPC 820 is a highly concentrated protein and mineral product used by bigger feedlots in complete diets where a variety of raw materials are available. Molatek’s fattening product formulations focus on achieving the lowest cost per kilogram mass gain.


  • Stimulates feed intake, maximises average daily gain and improves feedlot profitability.
  • Uses high-quality natural protein that is balanced according to the amino acid profile needed for carcass development to optimise muscle growth.
  • Mixes easily with the other feedlot raw materials into a complete feed.
  • A convenient way to get cattle market ready.
  • Lower concentrate levels included for economic benefits and finishing.
  • Allows for the effective use of maize.
  • Reduces acidosis and bloat in calves.
  • Prevents feeding disorders and coccidiosis.
  • Ionophores improve growth and feed conversion of calves.


1 2
HPC 820 kg 50 50
HOMINY CHOP (Prot. 95 g/kg) kg 670 710
ROUGHAGE (Prot. 40 g/kg) kg 100 60
MOLATEK BYPASS (V21556) kg 50 50
FEED LIME kg 10 10
TOTAL kg 1000 1230
PROTEIN min g/kg 128 108
PROTEIN ex NPN max % 31.38 31.06
UREA max g/kg 13.8 11.31
MOISTURE max g/kg 126 280
FIBRE max g/kg 110 100
CALCIUM min/max g/kg 5.5-7.0 3.9-6.0
PHOSPHORUS min g/kg 4.1 3.6

Feeding instructions:

  • Ensure that the concentrate is thoroughly mixed with the ingredients specified in the table above.
  • Adaptation phase: Limit the intake of the finisher to approximately 1% of the animal’s body mass during the first week to avoid digestive disorders. Thereafter, feed ad lib with adequate roughage or natural grazing.
  • Feed troughs must be kept full.
  • Animals must have free access to the mix at all times.
  • Animals must have free access to roughage, which should be made available separately, and fed ad lib during the feeding period.
  • Estimated roughage intake will be around 10% of total feed intake per day.

These are examples of mixes; contact your TA for specialised custom rations to suit your requirements.


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